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Publicado: Terça, 28 Março 2023 12:46
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Teach IR in English at BRI/UFABC


Visiting Professor in International Relations 

Federal University of ABC - Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil

Areas: 1) Analysis of the Contemporary International Conjuncture; 2) Global Organized Civil Society; 3) History of Brazilian Foreign Policy.

Vacancies: 3

Department: International Relations Course

Type of Contract: Temporary

Job Status: Full-time

Application Deadline: 22 May 2023 - 23:59 (BSB time)


Objective: to promote the teaching in English to undergraduate students of regular International Relations subjects as part of the Special teaching, research and extension program English as a Medium of Instruction at UFABC - A strategy of "Internationalization at Home".

From the 3 vacancies in International Relations area, 1 will be reserved for people with disabilities, pursuant to paragraph 2, article 5, of Law No. 8,112, and 1 will be reserved for black people.


Where to apply and further information:


Offer Description

UFABC is one of the youngest Brazilian universities. Founded in 2006, today it operates two campuses, having already established a reputation for high-level interdisciplinary research and teaching.

Key facts: over 18,000 students, around 10% of international academic staff, among the 15 best universities in Brazil.

The International Relations Course (BRI in Portuguese acronym) was created in 2012 and had been evaluated by the Ministry of Education in 2015 and 2018 to be among the five IR courses with the highest ranking in Brazil (out of 115)

Duration of contract

The duration of the visiting professor contract will be:
a) 1 (one) year for a visiting professor of Brazilian nationality, which may be extended, as long as the total term does not exceed 2 (two) years;
b) 1 (one) year for visiting professors of foreign nationality, which may be extended, as long as the total term does not exceed 4 (four) years;


Rua Arcturus, 03 - Jardim Antares, São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Zip Code 09606-070.

About the positions

One of the goals of UFABC's Institutional Internationalization Plan is to internationalize the university curriculum. One of the strategies to achieve this objective is to "establish an annual offer of courses in English at undergraduate. Among the results, we expect to increase the offer of courses in English at undergraduate; attract foreign students; prepare UFABC students for the international academic environment; provide them with opportunities to acquire technical vocabulary in English in different fields of knowledge; create an international and intercultural environment at UFABC campuses.

The aforementioned visiting professors are expected to:

  •  Demonstrate the necessary linguistic and pedagogical skills for teaching academic content in English, so that they can contribute to the internationalization of the Federal University of ABC;
  •  Conduct all the teaching activities under their responsibility through the medium of English, regarding both undergraduate as well as Research and Outreach.
  •  Concerning Research, they will be able to act as supervisors of End-of-course Papers (TCCs) and Undergraduate Research projects (IC).
  •  Concerning “Teachers Continuing Education” projects, they should share with their peers at UFABC their knowledge about teaching academic content in English. They should promote spaces for sharing their practices with other teachers, so they can collectively build the culture of teaching academic content in English at UFABC 

Specific Requirements

The following are requirements for registration:

I. Proof of doctoral degree or equivalent,

II. curriculum vitae or lattes;

III. supporting documentation for each production and/or activity listed in the curriculum vitae or lattes.

IV. Research project written in English, correlated, referenced, and contextualized to the contemporary trends of the intended area/sub-area, to the special teaching, research and extension program, as well as to the Pedagogical Project of UFABC, with a maximum of 12 (twelve) pages long.

V. Video presentation of the Research Project given in English by the candidate.

VI. Proof of excellentproficiency in English or proof of nationality from an English-speaking country

Remuneration: R$ 9,616.18 per month.

Registration will occur exclusively via the internet, within the period of March 23, 2023 to May 22, 2023, through the following procedures:

a) Complete the registration form available at (Menu Concursos / Concursos Abertos);

b) Send the documents listed in the item "Specific Requirements" in PDF format with the respective identifications, grouped in a single compressed folder in ZIP format, with a maximum size of 200 MB;


Additional comments

Further information can be found on the Public Call (Edital) 009/2023, available at: (Portuguese only) (English version)

Where to apply


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